Water purification information

Drink mineral water or pure water? How to choose a water purifier?

Views : 65787
Update time : 2021-11-22 11:39:49
There are rumors that: mineral water is more nutritious and can replenish the minerals needed by the human body; drinking mineral water and pure water is healthier than drinking plain water; others say that the water purifier is useless and is a marketing scam by the business?

Water is only the source of life, but I don't know when it started, water has also become the "source of rumors." Are these rumors about "water" true?

Today, I will reveal the secrets of these unknown water "insiders" so that everyone can drink water with confidence.

Drink natural mineral water

People usually refer to bottled water collectively as "mineral water", but this mineral water is not the other "mineral water."

my country's definition of natural mineral water is: water that naturally gushes from deep underground or is collected through drilling, contains a certain amount of minerals, trace elements or other ingredients, is not polluted in a certain area and takes preventive measures to avoid pollution.

In other words, mineral water in the true sense must meet two requirements: one is water that is not polluted on the surface or underground, and the other is water that naturally contains minerals and other ingredients.

Mineral water contains minerals, but the minerals are artificially added, so they cannot be called mineral water.

At the same time, some people think that mineral water is better for the body because it contains minerals. In fact, this is not the case. The main purpose of drinking water is to replenish water, not to replenish minerals.

Pure drinking water

Purified drinking water refers to the use of drinking water as a source of water to purify the water through distillation, electrodialysis, ion exchange, reverse osmosis and other technologies to remove impurities and even bacteria in the water.

Purified water is water that hardly contains any impurities, does not contain any additives, and can be directly drinkable water.

Purified water refers to water that can be directly drinkable by filtering water that meets the sanitary standards of drinking water, such as tap water, such as water purified by RO reverse osmosis water purifiers.

More than 90% of the bottled water we buy in supermarkets is not mineral water, but pure water, such as water from a certain treasure or a certain field.

Other drinking water

There are many other types of drinking water, and surface water or groundwater whose water quality meets the requirements of domestic drinking water is used as the water source.

Only limited treatment methods such as degassing, aeration, decantation, filtration, ozonation or ultraviolet disinfection and sterilization are allowed, and natural source drinking water, such as spring water, that does not change the basic physical and chemical characteristics of the water;

Knowing the common sense about "water", how to choose a water purifier?

Choosing the right water is very important, and drinking is even more important. Don't be fooled by these "water" rumors. Worried about water pollution and unclean tap water at home, how should we choose a water purifier?

Most household water purifiers generally consist of three parts: pre-filtration, adsorption, and fine filtration (microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis).

The main difference between expensive and cheap water purifiers is the fine filtration part, which is the membrane separation material used.

If the membrane separation material is compared to a sieve, the filtration capacity of microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis increases. The advantages of microfiltration and ultrafiltration are that they are cheap, not easy to be clogged, the filter element has a long service life, and the water recovery rate is high. The disadvantage is that the filtration is not clean enough.

On the contrary, the advantage of nanofiltration and reverse osmosis is to filter cleanly. In particular, reverse osmosis can intercept all ingredients except water, such as bacteria, viruses, and heavy metals that cannot be seen by the naked eye. However, the disadvantage is that the price is more expensive and there is wastewater. It’s cleaner and safer to drink.

RO pure water machine

You can choose a reverse osmosis water purifier if you have high water quality requirements and want to drink straight water; if you want a high cost performance, you can choose an ultrafiltration type water purifier; if you have the habit of drinking water after boiling, you can choose according to demand and price A suitable water purifier will do.
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